Like a cannelloni

A great grandmother’s classic, a new super easy (and super healthy) version for you: all you need is some vegetables, black rice and imagination.

Difficulty: Easy
Preparation: 3 hours
(including shaping the cannelloni)
Cooking: 20 min
Doses: 4 people
Cost: Low

In autumn, strips of courgette can be replaced by strips of pumpkin (classic or mantovana), which also provides a striking colour contrast to the black rice.

Difficulty: Easy
Preparation: 3 hours
(including shaping the cannelloni)
Cooking: 20 min
Doses: 4 people
Cost: Low

In autumn, strips of courgette can be replaced by strips of pumpkin (classic or mantovana), which also provides a striking colour contrast to the black rice.


Nero Assoluto Rice 360g

Yellow courgettes 2
Green courgettes 2
Butter 30g
White wine 1 glass
Oil, salt and pepper As needed
The goodness of a classic, the beauty of black rice.
  1. Start cooking the rice by melting 15g butter and once toasted well, deglaze with white wine, let it evaporate and then add boiling water until cooked.
  2. While the black rice dries, brush the kitchen foil with the remaining 15g of butter, then form rolls of about 90g each by rolling them with the foil. Let it cool down.
  3. Separately, finely slice the yellow/green courgettes, blanch them for about 30 seconds in hot salted water and cool in water and ice to stop cooking.
  4. Start assembling the cannellone: lay the foil on the work surface, alternate the yellow and green courgettes, then insert the black rice roll and go to form the cannellone with the courgettes around it.
  5. Let stand for 2 hours and serve at room temperature.
The goodness of a classic, the beauty of black rice.
  1. Start cooking the rice by melting 15g butter and once toasted well, deglaze with white wine, let it evaporate and then add boiling water until cooked.
  2. While the black rice dries, brush the kitchen foil with the remaining 15g of butter, then form rolls of about 90g each by rolling them with the foil. Let it cool down.
  3. Separately, finely slice the yellow/green courgettes, blanch them for about 30 seconds in hot salted water and cool in water and ice to stop cooking.
  4. Start assembling the cannellone: lay the foil on the work surface, alternate the yellow and green courgettes, then insert the black rice roll and go to form the cannellone with the courgettes around it.
  5. Let stand for 2 hours and serve at room temperature.

Whole-grain long rice for a naturally rich pleasure

During cooking, it releases a characteristic aroma, reminiscent of freshly baked bread.

Salad of black rice, chicken, almonds and ginger

An exceptionally tasty fusion dish, reminiscent of oriental flavours yet highly appreciated in Italy.

Mediterranean-style octopus salad

All the fragrances of the sea for a dish that is simple to prepare yet always impressive in terms of presentation and taste.